A new enneagram point of view…

Bernadette Schmitt

Isabelle Huppert

Type 1 Social of the Enneagram (according to our criteria)

“Pretty woman on horseback, galloping, brandishing a red flag” Degree of Implusion and Success


A small incursion today into the Arcane of the Enneagram, its decans, degrees, fifths and associated planets, and you will also see it in Dr. Bach’s magnificent work about his 38 Flowers which correspond, according to our recent works, to each of the 9 types (sub-types included) of theEnneagram …
The purpose is not to explain in this post how we have classified these different Flowers in the Enneagram, because it would lead us too far.

This complex methodology of research will be explained and detailed in a forthcoming and detailed work.

But what is Isabelle Huppert doing in all this …?

The Sun having just entered the sign of Libra, I set out to find examples of Enneagram types that could illustrate my purpose and in particular the first decan of the sign of Libra which corresponds to Venus.

If I refer to my table, this first decan, also marked by Angel No. 37 Aniel, corresponds to Type 1 Air (social )  Yang and Bach flower Scléranthus

Few examples of famous personalities came to my mind, except maybe Claire Chazal and Isabelle Huppert, who, according to our criteria, (I always specify it) are both Type 1 Social (Air) of the Enneagram , and rather of the Yang / extrovert type, the limit is never very clear between the Yin and the Yang (introversion, extraversion), but useful to enter deeper and deeper into a detailed definition in terms of psychological profile.

If I look more closely at the table, I also note the 5 degrees of the first decan of the Libra, of which here is a fine definition that may well apply to Isabelle Huppert (source Gabirel “La Sphère d’Or” ):

“Pretty woman on horseback, galloping, brandishing a red standard” Degree of Impulse and Success

and then for that same degree another image, very pretty:

The rising sun, surrounded by a flaming crown and radiating around itself:

Definition: flamboyant nature, carried away by a passionate ideal, which will show the way and triumph over difficulties, illuminating and charming around oneself. Danger from exaggerated passion. Talent, popularity, success (artistic).


The Bach Flower Scléranthus

The Type 1 Air (social) is also marked by the Scléranthus remedy. Here are some key words (cf Dr. Blome Götz):

Positifs aspects:

Curiosity, alertness

Clear vision and no preconceived opinions of things and prejudices

Fair and impartial view of things

Good discernment, sees the positive and negative sides at once

Tolerant, balanced, adaptable nature

Openness and flexibility

A frank and decisive mind


Négatifs  aspects

Internal tearing

Unable to make a decision

Concentration difficult, confused,

Lack of discernment

Lack of dynamism and decision-making

Stress due to changes (occupations, place of life, relationships)


There is a link between this Bach Flower, this type 1 Air of the Enneagram and the minor blade of the Tarot, the two sword blade, of which I would complete this article later

Sophie Andersen



From the Angel Rochel to the planet Proserpine :


I wanted to tell you a bit about Angel Rochel, who just lent me a hand last night for two things that I had “lost” for a good month and of which I could not remember the place where I had been able to lose them, or to lay hands on them in any place likely to have deposited them there.

Angel Rochel, no. 69, named Angel of the Restitution is known to help find lost objects, maybe some of you who know the Angels have already experienced it?

I must say that I am interested in Angels especially since we have done our work on the Enneagram and their astonishing concordances with it, but from there to invoke them for any ritual of “magic” or other, in difficult opportunities to help in the realization of projects or business, etc … not of all this …

However, I must admit that in accordance with the science and observation of the ancients, who attribute for each Angel an annual, weekly, daily and hourly period, that this science seems to be based on a reality …

Returning to my objects, without necessarily great values ​​except perhaps the first, since it is a mala (Buddhist rosary) that I had taken on a trip and which had recently been blessed by His Holiness Karmapa in Grenoble. I had taken care to put it in a little satchel, which looks something like the angel in illustration. The second object, a phone charger …

It was impossible for a month to put my hand on it, I look, think, try to remind me where I have been able to store these objects … Nothing to do … and it is not for lack of seeking, on the contrary, in short, annoying at the end …

Last night around 11 am, after meditating, I come back to the charge …! But where are these  things and this pink mala, it must be somewhere, anyway! , … And I go straight to a bag I had forgotten in which I had dropped it for an afternoon, … Completely forgotten, the most amazing is that at the same time, there comes to me a glimmer of memory for my charger, Yes but of course I was looking for it in the wrong place, it had stayed on a plug at an incongruous place.

Happy like a mother who found her young, I lie down, telling myself that I was going to check the next day the time slice of Rochel …

Bingo !! The time slot devoted to the Angel Rochel is 10:40 pm to 11 pm !!!

And the connection with the Ennagram, in all this? !

Well I’ll tell you …

Our recent work on Bach flowers, astrology, and decans in particular, show that the 8 Yang Earth type of the Enneagram is directly connected to this Angel Rochel, the Chicory remedy and … to the planet Proserpine (Perséphone ) …

We know that Demeter sought her long-month-old daughter, captured by Hades in the underworld … Her torments were legal for her love and dedication to her only daughter, whom she could hardly let live, free, far from her, and far from her everlasting fears and worries of mother …

Upcoming articles and books are being written about this exciting topic.

To be continued…

Luna , de Charles Edward Hallé (British painter) 1846 – 1914

Astrology and the Enneagram, the subject is vast and constitutes the last part of our research, the most important one may be, which risks not being completed before many years …

I have already wrote about  this topic on our group: “Enneagramm and Beyond …”, articles and books are being written.

I will try to give some glimpses, as here,  with this beautiful portrait, which I must say, inspires me greatly and  marvellously  illustrates our latest advances …

For those who know a little about astrology, and for the profane moreover, the expression of this face and of the whole picture reveals an impression of grace, harmony, sweetness, peace also which is proper to the sign of Libra (dignified by Venus and Saturn). One could see there the mark of a Sun in Libra, of a Venus, or even of the Moon in this sign. Maybe even a Moon as a sign of Water, like Cancer or Pisces, there is something “airish” land light, which comes out of this picture, which makes me think more of a sign of Air in effect, like Libra justly.

Very difficult, isn’t ,  to speak in a vacuum, when we have no coordinates, no ephemerides, just our simple intuition, and subjectivity …

The Enneagram, the key to mystery ?

And if the Enneagram brought us this key that we lack and which, in any case, far from competing with Astrology, opens up unexpected fields of observation by revealing itself with unparalleled accuracy and precision.

Let us examine this case. According to our criteria, this person does not correspond to a type 4 of the Enneagram, characterized by an excess of Bile / Angry humor  (fanaticism, hardness of heart, feeling of exclusion, dissatisfaction), as many would think . I could expand on it here, but many articles and comments have already been devoted to this thorny subject …

We could also think that it could correspond to a subtype called “Sexual Venus” related to one of the 5 Wisdom Family, called Padma / Lotus (charm, desire for intimacy, need for love, seduction, beauty, compassion), to which she  seems to belong,also,  but in second place I think …

What, then, is the configuration of the Enneagram that corresponds most to this energy Venus, Moon in Libra, as we mentioned above?

Our recent researches between the types of the Enneagram and the astrological symbolism give us the following table:

We find on the left at the bottom of this table the astrological correspondences of Type 1 Air Yin (Social)

We see that this Type 1 Air Yin is marked by the Moon and Venus in Libra. Let us not go into detail anymore, which would make the subject too complex, perhaps by adding that the associated Angel Haamiah is ruled by Mars and Venus (still Venus) and depicts people with an extremely seductive temperament who likes to please, polish and refined in its relations

We also know that the keyword of Type 1 Air is Peace, Harmony, according to our work.

We can say that type 1 air Yin (social), especially with a 9 wing as it appears to be the case here is marked by a very strong need for harmony, to be loved and to please, taste  for refinement and aesthetics, pronounced artistic sense , etc …

This magnificent portait  is called “Luna”, where the moon glows dimly in the soothed sky of Libra, which watches with gentleness and wisdom to the harmonization of forces and energies all wrapped in silk and draperies Venus …


In all Enneagram schools, a person with a compulsion to help and save sentient beings is systematically, and quite unfortunately, classified in type 2, which is extremely reductive according to our criteria, and little in keeping with the inherent richness to this Model and its many facets and subtleties

How many people, often women, have been classified in this type 2 when they obviously do not correspond to an emotional type, but to an instinctive type.

This type 1, which many people dislike because it is described essentially as controlled, into resentment and excessive perfectionism, conceals in its midst many treasures of virtue and wisdom, such as that generosity, altruism and benevolence.

Our work on the Angels of the Ennegram shows that the Sexual Type 1 Mars Yin corresponds to the Angel No. 2 named Jeliel, whom Tradition also calls the Helping Angel. The two planets devolved to him are Neptune and Saturn, we also find the two key words: Love and Wisdom for this Angel whose compassion, willingness to save and help, and commitment to altruistic causes is all (see the pianist Hélène Grimaud who, just 20 years old, set up a Wolf Conservation Center in Connecticut). In this regard, this Angel is also known for his love of animals and for desperate causes.

To illustrate my little talk of today, here is this beautiful story, found this morning on the Net:

“When I was 13, I spent a summer in a summer camp, and the prettiest girl I saw came to me and said,” Black is fine for you. ” I do not know why she said that. We chatted and we became friends, we exchanged our pseudonyms of instant messaging AOL and we stayed in touch for a while.

Kevin Walsh then explained that they lost sight of themselves at the time of the high school, but that it did not happen one day without he thinks to her.

“Even today, I can not explain why, but part of her stayed with me.

During his last year of high school, Kevin Walsh recounted that he had gone through “stupid high school problems” that seemed insurmountable to him at the time and made him fall into a depression.

“I decided to end my life,” he said. “(I) wrote a word and I went where I planned to finish.

About 5 to 10 seconds before he went to the act, his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller’s identity (he said he could not die without knowing it), it was a number he did not know, he answered and it was her.

“I asked her how she was going and she said she felt she had to call me. At that moment, it had been a year since we had not spoken, and she chose that moment to call me. To make it short, she asked me what was going on, I spat the piece and it dissuaded me from doing it. She truly told me “What? Do not do that. ” And that’s all.

“She made me promise to call her the next day, and then we hung up. That night, I began to write the words with which, ten years later, I asked her in marriage.






I would like to expose to you , in the light of our work on the Schema Therapies and the Enneagram and through many examples this so particular type.

First at all let’s give some definition of what is a type, in opposite of the other aspect of our individual configuration , that is the famous “Subtype”, which is, as I usually say, a very bad term, indeed.

Jeffrey Young an American psychologist works on a new therapy that deals with Early Maladaptive Schemas (Schema Therapy). Early Maladaptive Schemas are self-defeating emotional and cognitive patterns that begin early in our development and repeat throughout life. According to this definition, an individual’s behaviour is not part of the schema itself; Young theorizes that “maladaptive behaviours develop as responses to a schema”. Thus behaviours are driven by schemas but are not part of schemas.

According to our model, internal schemas lie at the core of personality disorders and the behavioural patterns in DSM-IV are primarily responses to the core schemas. For most DSM-IV categories, the coping behaviours are the personality disorders. Many diagnostic criteria are lists of coping responses”.

In our fifteen years of clinical observations on more than 2000 subjects, we clearly saw that the personality disorders of the DSM IV, as behavioural pattern, is connected to the subtypes rather than the types that are linked to the cognitive and emotional core schemas.

For example, type 6 is the schema of vulnerability. If the subtype is more introverted, the individual will surrender to his schema (phobic 6), and if he is more extroverted he will counter attack his schema (counter phobic 6). The type 7 is the schema of self-sacrifice. If the subtype is introverted, he will surrender to the schema (sacrifice) and if he is extroverted he will counter attack it (counter sacrifice or epicurean). It’s exactly the same with the nine types as we already stated earlier (#EM 206). Note that we have adapted Jeffrey Young schema therapy to our new enneagram model, and our results show slight differences.


Type 9 and the Subjugation Schema

According to Jeffrey Young  (J. Young. Schema Therapies ) some characteristics of the Subjugation Schema are :
Excessive surrendering of control to others because one feels coerced—submitting in
order to avoid anger, retaliation, or abandonment. The two major forms of subjugation
A. Subjugation of needs: Suppression of one’s preferences, decisions, and desires.
B. Subjugation of emotions: Suppression of emotions, especially anger.
Usually involves the perception that one’s own desires, opinions, and feelings are
not valid or important to others. Frequently presents as excessive compliance, combined
with hypersensitivity to feeling trapped. Generally leads to a build up of anger, manifested
in maladaptive symptoms (e.g., passive–aggressive behaviour, uncontrolled outbursts of
temper, psychosomatic symptoms, withdrawal of affection, “acting out,” substance

In our work with the Schema Therapies and  Enneagram this Subjugation schema is related to the type 9.

As we already mentioned, if we are an Extraverted  type we tend to overcompensate the schema, in the case of an Introverted type we will submit to the schema.


The type 9 Counter Subjugation :


As a result we can have very assertive or domineering 9s (counter subjugation ), in opposition to the 9s Yin (introverted ) that is more related to the common description of the 9 (passivity, avoidance, narcotization, suppressed anger and so on… )





The classical bias is also  to associate Introverted people with the type 5, or 6 (except the counter phobic ) or 4 or 9 and Extroverted people with some 8 or 1 or 7…

Most of the time the type 9 Yang or Extrovert tend to be associated with 8 or 1 (Mandala, Malala Yousafzai, Charles de Gaulle, Helmut Kohl, Hitchcock,  etc… )

We will see also that the Subtype Space is very similar to the type 9 and very often people who belong to this Family type themselves in this type.  See the example of Gandhi who is classically type in the 9, but is , according to our work a Head Center, type 7 Yin and Space Family (the type 9 is only a cofixation ). And there are so many  !!( French President Hollande, JP SArtre, etc… )

Some characteristics of this Space family (see more details in the next article in Enneagram Monthtly ) :

Positive aspects:

Awakening,  Space, Emptiness and fullness, Timelessness and impermanence,   Silence, Immobility, Infinity,  Present moment, Presence, Spirituality,  Contemplative and meditative, Calm, Simplicity, Humility, “Normality”, Peace as vital importance, Unprejudiced conscience, Impartiality, Spacious mind, inclusive and reassuring.

Negative aspects:

Disconnection, lack of earth and grounding, Disembodiment, Disintegration, Fear of the unknown and of the other, Closed mind, lack of communication, Solitude, Shyness, Do not like to put themselves forward, Escape from reality, avoidance, denial, ignorance, inertia, Escape the conflict and the confrontation, Numbness, Catatonia, Narcotization and Anesthesia of the senses and the mind, Made the deaf and the blind, Sloth and indolence,” I don’t care” attitude, Need for security and routine to overcome anxiety, Schizoid tendency.


de gaulle




colère  2



I would like to make with you a little journey through the Ennagram,  to can explore the Anger in all its forms  and see where we can find it, in its   purest remotest  corners, where we even cannot imagine to find it. In life anger takes so  many forms, so as in Enneagram, that becames a good place  to  hide and seek and dress up its best disguise…

First at all, the Anger, from my early learning, was stated to be in the Gut Center, that is not completely wrong as we  henceforth know  that the type 8 and 1 are on the taoist element of Fire that correspond to the red Anger in opposition of the Wood that corresponds to the green Anger and to the type 7 and 2 .

Considering the Hippocratic elements we can see also that the 8 and 1 are on the bilious  Temperament, called also Choleric Temperament.


hippo and ennea


Thus a brief overview show us already that the 1,2,7,8  types are directly connected to the Anger.

And what about the 3, the 4, the 5 and the 6, oh , I was forgetting the 9 !!

Let us roll up our sleeves, and go for a little  descent into the bowels of Enneagram !

Here is the 4, last type seated in the Center of the Anger , according to the sufi, on the point called, excess of Bile/anger. The Bagua shows also the Wood Yin Element for the 4 that corresponds to suppressed anger and irritabitlity. We can find for the 4 a lot of Anger and mainly suppressed anger that is reinforced by the fact that 4 is also on the very withdrawn  taoist  Metal/melancholic Element, quite  a program for the 4 !!!

And what about the 3 ?

For him the Bagua indicates the Trigram ” the Thunder” that correspond to the Wood Yang (expressed Anger ), so as the Tree of Life with the Sphere of Hesed representing a King on the throne and the Planet JUpiter ! Zeus … the God of thunder!

What else, before closing the lid !!!

Of course we could say that the 5, 6 and 9 are a priori more quiet and peaceful, mainly the very centered 5, among the all, and his cousin the peaceful  9, but actually no, if  we consider the famous Subtype Vajra or SX/male, that I would like to present to you more… and that can be combined with EVERY  types !!!


The SX/Male Subtype or VAJRA Family




About two years after we had started our research and had examined several hundred clinical cases according to our energy-based method, we realized that what we defined as sexual subtypes, were actually two very distinct characters, a more masculine and a more feminine one. We agreed to name them Mars and Venus in reference to the symbolism of these gods of Greek Antiquity.

The sexual Mars subtype appears as an aggressive, combative, competitive, energetic, anxious and obsessive individual while  the sexual Venus subtype is more   charming, charismatic, compassionate, dependent and prone to forsaken feeling. (See more in EM, issue 200 )


This Sx/male Subtype, called also VAJRA, that means the Thunder in Sanskrit.

Let’s quote Irini Rokwell, disciple of the renown Tibetan Buddhist master Chögyam Trungpa (article from Shambala Sun) :

“Of the many methods for understanding and working with the energies that pervade our existence, one of the most profound is the “five Buddha families,” an ancient Buddhist system of understanding enlightened mind and its various aspects. The five Buddha family framework is an instrumental component in Buddhist Tantra, a path of working with and transmuting mind energy.

The Buddha families are traditionally displayed as the mandala of the five Tathagatas, or Buddhas. The mandala (from the Sanskrit for “circle”) aids meditators in understanding how different aspects of existence operate together in an integrated whole. Each of the Buddhas in the mandala embodies one of the five different aspects of enlightenment. However, these manifest themselves not only as enlightened energies but also as neurotic states of mind. The Buddha families therefore present us with a complete picture of both the sacred world of enlightened mind and the neurotic world of ego-centered existence. We see that they are indeed the same thing; the path of awakening is what makes the difference”

In the early 1970s Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche taught for the first time these traditional system of the five wisdom energies to contemporary American practitioners as a way of understanding who we are fundamentally: our personality, our emotional landscape, and how we relate to others and our world. He promoted the understanding that there is nothing inherently wrong or bad about the energy itself. He taught that to bring the wisdom energies to the path, we first learn to stay with them through mindfulness and awareness. Then we can work with these energies as they arise in our experience by applying loving-kindness. We allow them to express themselves openly rather than trying fruitlessly to manipulate and control them. The energies then become a way of celebrating our strengths and working with our weaknesses.


Vajra Family in the Buddhist tradition corresponds to Anger and Fear and to Clarity of mind  and Peace in its awakened aspect.

Wisdom family : Vajra . “The first Buddha family is the Vajra family, which literally means the family of sharpness, crystallization, and indestructibility. In the ordinary world, the experience of Vajra is perhaps not as extremes holding razor blades in our hand, but at the same time, it is penetrating and very personal. It is like a sharp, cutting, biting-cold winter. A person in the Vajra family knows how to evaluate logically the arguments that are used to explain experience. The neurotic expression of Vajra is associated with anger and intellectual fixation. If we become fixated on a particular logic, the sharpness of Vajra can become rigidity. We become possessive of our insight, rather than having a sense of open perspective. Clear water suggests the sharp, precise, clear reflectiveness of vajra wisdom. In fact, Vajra wisdom is traditionally called the mirror like wisdom, which evokes this image of a calm pondor reflecting pool” (Chögyam Trungpa, Journey without a goal).

Positive aspects:

Clarity, faculty of reasoning, logic and scientific mind, intelligence, quick and sharp mind, faculty of reasoning, deep and penetrating vision, frankness, sense of justice, pacification, order, discipline, precision, sobriety, purification.

Negative aspects :

Hot or cold anger, hatred, aggression, choleric tempered, bruiser and fighter, feeling of injustice and rebellion, freezing fear, mental fixation and dogmatism, stiffness, hardness, and dogmatism, obsession and psychorigidity, intellectualization and excess of analysis, right and wrong attitude, impatience, distance, coldness.



This particular subtype can be confounded with the type 8 and 1 of the Enneagram and also we can find some cases of 4, who are actually Sx/male Yin or  Jungian Introverted Intuition (see our article  on this blog on Frida Kalho and Johnny Depp )

This subtype is also related to the Jungian Function of Intuition and to the  Rigid character structure of Wilhem Reich.

Some famous cases of Sx/Mars :

Klaus Kinski, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Michael Douglas, Mel Gibson, Van Gogh , Beethoven, Demi Moore, Madonna, Che Guevara, Sarah Palin, Margaret Albright, A. Hitler, etc…


A complete and in depth article will be published very soon in EM : ” Subtypes : for a paradigm shift and integrative view “.

This article will  re define types and subtypes in that sense:

  • Nine types and five subtypes are two separate systems that mix together like abscissa and ordinate to define the character of an individual.
  • Both types and subtypes can be defined through a whole spectrum from pathology to psychological and spiritual qualities.
  • Types are more connected to cognitive and emotional level (schema); subtypes are more connected to behavioral response.


Be patient !










About two years after starting our research, having examined several hundred clinical cases according to our energy-based method, we realized that in what we define as sexual subtypes, emerges two very characterized aspects, a more masculine and the other more feminine. We agreed to named them Mars and Venus in reference to the symbolism of these gods of Greek Antiquity. Sexual Mars subtype appears as an aggressive, combative, competitive, energetic, anxious and obsessive individual, and sexual Venus subtype as someone charming, charismatic, compassionate, dependent and abandonic.

The best keywords we have found for this sexual Venus subtype, we owe to Irini Rockwell, disciple of renowned Tibetan Buddhist teacher, Chögyam trungpa, who the first, in the 1970s revealed to the American public the fabulous system of the five Wisdom Families (Vajra, Ratna, Péma, Karma, Bouddha), then reserved for the practitioners during the famous traditional three-year retreats. Few texts are devoted to their study. Key words we give you here concern the Wisdom Family Padma/Lotus, which, according to our research, fully corresponds to the fourth subtype Venus.

Positive aspects:

Compassion, love, affection, kindness, intuition, openness of heart, contact, harmony, empathy, kindness, affability, sweetness, charm, delicacy, refined taste, finesse, love of art and beauty, artistry, loving state, romance, seduction, magnetism, charisma, attractiveness, sensitivity, sensuality, pleasure, intimacy, purity, pristinity.

Negative aspects :

Desire and obsessive attachment. burning, all-consuming and destructive Passion. Desire to please. Great need for love. Need for intimacy, fusion, attention. Excessive dependence. He lives in the eyes of the other. Intense heartache. Feels lack cruelly. Feelings of abandonment, separation, isolation, loss, desolation. Depression. Melancholy. Emotional instability and credulity. Frivolity. Lust. Erotomania. Perversion. Manipulation. Hysteria.


“Passion: the desire to feel

healthy activities: magnetize, communicate

neurotic activity: fantasizing, manipulate

Emotions: Passion, desire to merge

sense of failure: feel incomplete, lonely and depressed

defence mechanisms: desire to please

fears: boredom, mediocrity, reject

Quality: compassion

Wisdom: discriminating awareness (i.e. What is good for themselves and the other in the relationship)” [i]

Wisdom family: Padma

“Padma, literally means “lotus flower.” The symbol of the enlightened padma family is the lotus, which grows and blooms in the mud, yet still comes out pure and clean, virginal and clear.Padma neurosis is connected with passion, a grasping quality and a desire to possess. We are completely wrapped up in desire and want only to seduce the world, without concern for real communication.A person with padma neurosis speaks gently, fantastically gently, and he or she is seemingly very sexy, kind, magnificent, and completely accommodating.When padma neurosis is transmuted, it become fantastically precise and aware; it turns into tremendous interest and inquisitiveness. Everything is seen in its own distinct way with its own particular qualities and characteristics. Thus the wisdom of padma is called discriminating-awareness wisdom” (Chögyam Trungpa, Journey without a goal).

The core vital sensation of Pema Family/Venus subtype is isolation.”In reaction, we generate the compulsion to consummate, and to cling to the comforting proximity of people, places, things and ideas. We find our world to be an emotional desert and attempt to crowd out our loneliness by indiscriminately grabbing at the experience of union with any focus of our fleeting attention. We misinterpret the discovery of isolation/separation as the need to unify as quickly as possible with further and yet further focuses of seductive proximity.”[ii]

There is a real risk of confusing the emotional types (2, 3, 4) and specialy the type 4 of the Enneagram, described as a romantic, but also enneatype 6, specialy the sexuel 6 (Force beauty) with this fourth subtype.


You can see more in EM, issue 200 : “The birth of Venus, or Close encounter of the Fouth Type ”


Some famous cases of Sexual/Venus : Maryline Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Laetitia Casta, Isabelle Adjani, Rudolf Noureev, etc…




And of course Maryline Monroe :




[i] Irini Rockwell, The Five Wisdom Energies. Shamballa Publications.

[ii] Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen, Embracing Emotions as the Path, http://arobuddhism.org.






A diffential decoding :

Usualy Johnny Depp and Frida Kalh are typed in the 4 in the Enneagram schools.

We will see in this article how a type 4, called the “Artist”,   can be confounded with a type SX5.

According to our decoding, Frida and Johnny Depp are both on  the point 5 of the Head Center, called also the “Observer”.


The point of Apathy :

This type is on the point of dysfunction of the  Vatta/desire humor in lack (the 7 is on the excess of Vatta/desire, while the 6 is on the absence of ).

“This lack of Desire, or  deficiency in our natural lust, indicating a hot and moist temper, are  apathy in regard to food, sex and work, that is we are weak  in our attraction to pleasure. We fall into timidity and despair, impassively indifferent to what is going on around us. We lack zest, becoming miserly and obstinate as we retreat  from life. We may have an inferiority complex which causes us to be self depreciating and lacking in self confidence. Lacking self esteem, we become spiritless and timid. ”  (Laleh Bakhtiar, R.O.S.E )


The Introverted Intuition :

As we know, all type can be combined with “Subtypes”, here the Sx/male., that is related  in our work to the Intuition Jungian Function and to the obessive and rigid character of W Reich. (see more in our next article in EM  on the Subtypes. )

This Intuition Function, can be Extroverted or Introverted. In the case of the Introverted Intuition , Jung himself  descrided  very precise characteristics in. his ” Psychological types” . As you will see, this function is very similar to the 4 (the damned artist, the unappreciated genius ). In our observation, many SX/male Yin or Introvertion /Intuition are type in the 4 !!! :

The peculiar nature of introverted intuition, when given the priority, also produces a peculiar type of man, viz. the mystical dreamer and seer on the one hand, or the fantastical crank and artist on the other. The latter might be regarded as the normal case, since there is a general tendency of this type to confine himself to the perceptive character of intuition. As a rule, the intuitive stops at perception; perception is his principal problem, and — in the case of a productive artist-the shaping of perception. But the crank contents himself with the intuition by which he himself is shaped and determined. Intensification of intuition naturally often results in an extraordinary aloofness of the individual from tangible reality; he may even become a complete enigma to his own immediate circle. [p. 509]

If an artist, he reveals extraordinary, remote things in his art, which in iridescent profusion embrace both the significant and the banal, the lovely and the grotesque, the whimsical and the sublime. If not an artist, he is frequently an unappreciated genius, a great man ‘gone wrong’, a sort of wise simpleton, a figure for ‘psychological’ novels.

Although it is not altogether in the line of the introverted intuitive type to make of perception a moral problem, since a certain reinforcement of the rational functions is required for this, yet even a relatively slight differentiation of judgment would suffice to transfer intuitive perception from the purely æsthetic into the moral sphere. A variety of this type is thus produced which differs essentially from its æsthetic form, although none the less characteristic of the introverted intuitive. The moral problem comes into being when the intuitive tries to relate himself to his vision, when he is no longer satisfied with mere perception and its æsthetic shaping and estimation, but confronts the question: What does this mean for me and for the world? What emerges from this vision in the way of a duty or task, either for me or for the world? The pure intuitive who represses judgment or possesses it only under the spell of perception never meets this question fundamentally, since his only problem is the How of perception. He, therefore, finds the moral problem unintelligible, even absurd, and as far as possible forbids his thoughts to dwell upon the disconcerting vision. It is different with the morally orientated intuitive. He concerns himself with the meaning of his vision; he troubles less about its further æsthetic possibilities than about the possible moral effects which emerge from its intrinsic significance. His judgment allows him to discern, though often only darkly, that he, as a man and as a totality, is in some way inter-related with his vision, that [p. 510] it is something which cannot just be perceived but which also would fain become the life of the subject. Through this realization he feels bound to transform his vision into his own life. But, since he tends to rely exclusively upon his vision, his moral effort becomes one-sided; he makes himself and his life symbolic, adapted, it is true, to the inner and eternal meaning of events, but unadapted to the actual present-day reality. Therewith he also deprives himself of any influence upon it, because he remains unintelligible. His language is not that which is commonly spoken — it becomes too subjective. His argument lacks convincing reason. He can only confess or pronounce. His is the ‘voice of one crying in the wilderness’.

The introverted intuitive’s chief repression falls upon the sensation of the object. His unconscious is characterized by this fact. For we find in his unconscious a compensatory extraverted sensation function of an archaic character. The unconscious personality may, therefore, best be described as an extraverted sensation-type of a rather low and primitive order. Impulsiveness and unrestraint are the characters of this sensation, combined with an extraordinary dependence upon the sense impression. This latter quality is a compensation to the thin upper air of the conscious attitude, giving it a certain weight, so that complete ‘sublimation’ is prevented. But if, through a forced exaggeration of the conscious attitude, a complete subordination to the inner perception should develop, the unconscious becomes an opposition, giving rise to compulsive sensations whose excessive dependence upon the object is in frank conflict with the conscious attitude. The form of neurosis is a compulsion-neurosis, exhibiting symptoms that are partly hypochondriacal manifestations, partly hypersensibility of the sense organs and partly compulsive ties to definite persons or other objects. [p. 511] “

[ Web Source: http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Jung/types.htm ]

see also : http://www.goodreads.com/…/show/565806.Psychological_Types


In our next article you will see that this “Subtype” is also related to the Vajra Family.

This Vajra Family corresponds to the Anger, the hate, the fear also, and its awakened qualities is the Clarity of Mind and the Peace.

We can say  that this Sx/male or Vajra Family is in some ways incompatible with the “lack of Desire ” 5, or apathic 5…. It is the reason why, we think, this type 5 becomes quite unseen with such a subtype… Anger, irritability is much more a characteristic of the 4 than of the 5…


The 72 Archetypes, or Genius:

One more important thing I wanted to see with you  is the keywords for the SX /male Introverted 5 ,  that we find in our work on the 72 Archetypes  of the Enneagram, called also Genius or Angel in the Christian tradition

Each Archetype or Genius is the combiantion of the core type with the core “Subtype”.

Here we have the type 5, then the SX/Male YIn (or Introverted SX/male ).

The corresponding Archetype/Angel is ALADIA  whose keywords are : asceticism, austerity, mortification, maniaco depressive autopersécution, solitude, transcendence.

This Genius or Angel Aladia is also  known for protecting people against natural catastrophes  such as fire, explosion, accidents. When we know the life of Frida and that she escaped death in a car crash, when 22 others people died…  She endured operations many months in hospital and after the incapacity of giving birth to her child. I would also say that difficult life, are not the reality only of the 4s,  of course, as I often can see it (she has a hard life, so she is a 4, etc… )

Generally speaking, according to our work , all the Sx 5 are in the rubric : inventiveness, progressivism, avant gardisme, creativity.

They are very unconventional people who are very ahead of their time…. and also very misunderstood genius or avant -gardist artists, such as the Spanish  Architect Antoni Gaudí, or the philosopher Friedisch Nietzsche , etc…


Antonio Gaudi




Friedrich Nietzsche

The full Enneagramic configuration for Frida and Johnny Depp :


These two artists seem to have  a lot of  similitudes in their configuration :

Main type : 5

Wing : 4

Cofixations or minor types : 4 and 1 (may be 8 for Frida )

Subtype  : Sx/male Introverted

The arrows 8 and 7 are very presents too, mainly the 8 in Frida…



Welcome, dear  readers and friends, on the new English page of the MARIE Institut,  dedicated to the  research of Bernadette and Frederic on the Enneagram.

We will publish  posts regularly  to explain all the different aspects on our new Model, on a both theoretical and practical point of view, such as the fundamental energetical basis  of the 3 Centers,  the  correlation between the 9 types with the Hippocratic and the 5 Taoist Elements,  the correlation between the Subtypes and the 5 Jungian Functions, the 5 structures of Character of W Reich, the 5 Wisdom Families of the Buddhist Tradition, and more.

Some other will be on the Homeopathy and Enneagram, but only on a general level.

Some portraits will be proposed  also on this page , in a more practical way

This blog will  go complementary to Enneagram Monthly Group and magazine and will explore in a deeper way some different topic.

Please, feel free to ask us if you want specific subject to be more explained.


kiniko 15

Picture : Thomas Edwin Mostyn     Enora Malagré : type 2, wing 1      Alizée : type 3 (no wing for 3)     Jennifer Lawrence : type 7, wing 8          Prince Harry : type 4, wing 5,              Lady Gaga : type 2, wing 1        Karl Lagerfeld : type 5, wing 4